Bader Kazi (Corporate Affairs - Gift of the Givers), Adhila Hamdulay (Engen - Corporate Social Investment Manager), Unathi Njolaweri- Magida, (Engen - Head of Transformation & Stakeholder Engagement) and Seelan Naidoo (Engen - General Manager Retail Division), Engen donated 100 Jojo tanks to the Makhanda Community in Grahamstown.

Engen partners with Gift of The Givers to assist drought-stricken community

When the Sarah Baartman District Municipality in the Eastern Cape, which includes drought-stricken Makhanda was declared a local state of disaster area on February 25th, Engen heeded the communities call for help and connected with disaster relief organisation, Gift of Read the full story

Pump attendant’s excellent service goes viral

Engen’s “With us you are Number One” brand promise took on a new meaning this week. This was when pump attendant Bongani Dyanti became a mini-celebrity for his customer service, which was so outstanding that one of his customers, Brian Read the full story

"Mr Wise" , Deputy Principal Mrs Dunyiswa Skosana and members of the Engen Kleva Kids team presents a Parafinn safety demonstration to the leaners of Nomlinganiselo Primary School in Nyanga, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA ©Luigi Bennett

Mr Wise launches Engen KlevaKidz in the Western Cape

The annual Engen KlevaKidz launched in the Western Cape this month with super hero safety educator, Mr Wise in the starring role.  KlevaKidz is an educational campaign that uses industrial theatre to engage and educate learners across South Africa about Read the full story


KZN learners beat out the competition in Engen Maths and Science Schools class of 2017

The personal success of the two top learners nationally in the Engen Maths and Science Schools (EMSS) Class of 2017 will be South Africa’s gain, as the pair chase their dreams of becoming an actuary and a doctor. The hard Read the full story

Entrepreneurs key to addressing South Africa’s desperate jobs crisis

The country’s economic future depends instead on the quality of its entrepreneurs, in whose hands most future jobs – and income generation – will lie. That was the warning sounded by Unathi Njokweni-Magida, Engen’s head of Transformation and Stakeholder Engagement, Read the full story