Bidvest appoints Black woman CEO

Bidvest recently appointed Mpumi Madisa as its “chief executive-designate” to take over the company in the 2021 financial year. The current CEO Lindsay Ralphs will continue as Group Chief Executive until Madisa takes over.

The Black Management Forum (BMF) applauds the appointment of Ms. Mpumi Madisa as the CEO Designate of the Bidvest Group. Ms. Madisa’s long journey and extensive experience within the Group positioned her as the best choice for this role.

“We are pleased about Ms. Madisa’s appointment. We acknowledge the deliberate efforts made by Bidvest to recognize and promote black talent within their business. It is our hope that they will continue to make concerted and deliberate efforts in ensuring that they advance transformation where it matters most, at executive level in consistence with our BMF position,” said the BMF President, Andile Nomlala.

“The BMF is further encouraged by the Bidvest Group’s commitment in advancing black female professionals, indeed in so doing they are demonstrating their seriousness about not only succession planning but also gender diversity within the executive management team. In addition, we are pleased by Bidvest’s efforts of developing the black talent within to take over the business in the long-term. This is a move that’s highly commendable and we would like to make a plea as the BMF to all other companies to follow this great example” Nomlala continued.

The BMF extends its well wishes to Ms. Madisa and pledges its unwavering support to her as she’s in the preparatory process to ascend into her new role.

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