Communications Minister, Faith Muthambi, hopes the 2016 Print Media Transformation Colloquium, is a catalyst which the print media landscape needed to accommodate views that mirror the multiracial post-1994 South Africa.
Hailing the 2016 Colloquium “the beginning of the journey towards the full transformation of the print media space in South Africa” during the two day event held at Freedon Park in Pretoria last week, Muthambi remarked: “For us, transformation in the print media is non-negotiable, as it is part of our Constitutional mandate and government agenda. As the gathering recognised the slow pace and resistance to transformation by some in the print media space, we strongly believe that the colloquium is the beginning of the journey to full transformation.”
Hosted by Muthambi, the colloquium, held from 25 to 26 August 2016, brought together key players in the media industry to consult on the sector’s transformation, accountability and diversity priorities.
Source: adapted for Transform SA Online from a report filed on