Improve education leadership, improve youth unemployment rate

The Statistics South Africa’s report ‘The Social Profile of Youth, 2009-2014’ shows that black Africans, between the ages of 25 and 34, are less skilled than their parents and every other race group, points to the dismal state of the Read the full story

dti invites companies to participate in the trade and investment mission to Ghana and Nigeria

The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) invites companies to participate in the Trade and Investment mission to Ghana and Nigeria. The mission will take place on 8-12 August 2016. Companies in the sectors of Agriculture and Agro-processing, Built Read the full story

What the CEE Report says about racial representation at the workplace

If truth be told, the 16th Commission for Employment Equity (CEE) Report does not reveal anything new. In fact, it reveals that, not much, if any changed for the Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI), which are Indians, Black Africans and Coloureds. Read the full story