Having exhausted all available efforts to reconcile with its chairperson, Duduzile Myeni, the board of South African Airways (SAA) has been left with no option but to get rid of her.
“The sooner she leaves the better. It would be good riddance,” a top ranking official who preferred to remain anonymous told Transform SA.
Some are not surprised by the development. Myeni’s appointment in 2012 was questioned by observers, who felt that she lacked the vital experience that the airline urgently needed.
Infighting and chaos characterise the board room affairs at the chronically loss-making state owned enterprise. Corporate governance experts have attributed it as the reason behind the national airline carrier’s appalling performance. The airline is yet to break even as a business. Annually, it has become a drag and a drain on the resources of its shareholder, the government, as billions have to be spent to keep it afloat.
It is generally believed that a stable board would be critical to its turnaround. One of the priorities could be creating leadership stability and a long-term strategy to ensure that it becomes a viable business.
Before the judgement call, let us find out why the chairperson must be ousted. Whose hand is in the cookie jar. May be the Chairperson has asked questions upsetting those who are benefitting from the corruption.
This is the chairperson who fired the previous CEO for corruption.
Why is the young board upset ?
The SIU must investigate SAA period. The Auditor General must investigate SAA.