‘Well to do’ South Africans to pay for free water

water tap

Some households which have got used to receiving 6000 litres of free water a month from municipalities since 2001 might soon have to dig deep into their pockets to foot the bill, Transform SA learns from the South African Local Government Association (Salga).

All consumers have been enjoying the privilege of free water, indiscriminately, regardless of their levels of income. Now, the provision might be stopped to those considered able to afford, Salga Water Services Director, William Moraka, confirmed in a telephone interview.

Discussions are at an advanced stage, said Moraka. “As we speak, we are deliberating over the matter. In fact, the Minister of Water and Sanitation, Nomvula Mokonyane, has released 12 policy positions about changing the face of the water sector. One of the suggested policy positions is for municipalities not to provide 6kl of free basic water to citizens able to afford to pay for services. But that is still under discussion. Culminating from that process will be legislation that will clearly define how we will provide free basic water going forward.

Already battling with inflation, consumers’ finances could be more strained, once the proposal becomes law.

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