Sugar tax could spur economic growth – accountants body

Just when both sides are getting all hot and bothered about the proposed sugar tax, the number crunchers have come to the table with their view.  Although job losses have been indicated as consideration to not go ahead with the Read the full story

Free State researcher scoops prestigious ICT award

The innovative use of information and communication technology (ICT) to accurately predict drought-stricken environments has proved to be a winning formula for a young Free State researcher. Dr Muthoni Masinde walked away with top honours at the annual Women in Read the full story

Fortinet Named Platinum Sponsor for 2016 Healthcare Innovation Summit

  Fortinet has been announced as Platinum sponsor of the 2nd Healthcare Innovation Summit (#HCIS2016). From 24-25 August 2016, healthcare and technology professionals will convene at the Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel located in Sandton, Johannesburg for the upcoming summit, under the theme – “Transforming Healthcare Read the full story

Local scientists share research at global forum

Two South African researchers from historically disadvantaged institutions are among the thousands of scientists attending the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF 2016), which kicked of last night in Manchester, in the United Kingdom. The three-day ESOF is one of the world’s Read the full story

SA scientist wins AIDS research award

A young South African scientist has walked away with a prestigious HIV/AIDS research award when five scientific awards to recognise exceptional research were presented at the 21st International AIDS Conference, which ends in Durban today. Dr Sinaye Ngcapu has been Read the full story