Mbavhalelo Mabogo (Image: Supplied)


The real-time taxi fleet management application (app), which addresses a host of daily challenges faced by taxi owners, drivers as well as commuters, is experiencing a skyrocketing uptake among owners who want to maximise profit, ensure drivers behave in an Read the full story

Learners Benefit from ATNS Winter School Programme

A 3-week Winter School Camp, wholly-sponsored by Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC Limited, ended on Friday in rural Cala, Eastern Cape, South Africa. The Camp was attended by more than a hundred (100) matric learners from Cala, DM Read the full story

Eastern Cape citrus company set to unlock R300m BEE project

The awarding of a water licence to an Eastern Cape citrus company is set to unlock the transformation of 700 hectares of bush in the Sundays River Valley into a thriving collective farm, kick-starting a R300-million black economic empowerment project. Read the full story