As South Africa prepares for the general election in 2019, whilst the economic challenges and the need for real black economic empowerment will be dominating the country and continent’s agendas, Black Business Council responded by calling a Special National Council Meeting held on the 12 of July 2018. The Council resolved to endorse the National Office Bearers (NOB’s) submission for holding early elections on the 7th August 2018 for new National Office Bearers including the President.
“We are delighted that the Council comprising of Presidents of various Constituents Affiliates was unanimous in its efforts to depart from the old chapter with all its challenges towards a new dawn that will predominantly be characterized by hope, new outlook, vision, new Africa agenda and a strong and sustainable black business chamber. We believe that this move will assist the organization to operate optimally with a sense of urgency and focus on regaining the trust, confidence of our affiliates in particular and the business community at large” Gilbert Mosena, Acting President of the BBC.
Mosena added “The move to refresh the leadership forms part of the plans to rejuvenate and renew the organisation to better equip it to respond to numerous challenges including the realization of and implementation of radical socio-economic transformation. Organizational renewal particularly building strong affiliates that must produce millionaires if not billionaires by the end of the next five years.
The Council will also strive to building unity amongst all business formations through equalization of wealth and business opportunities, creation of one Africa-one Nation. It will also promote intra Africa business trading, localization and beneficiation of Africa’s resources to benefit African business skills development that should open massification of industrialization through innovations and manufacturing for export oriented economy. , and partnering with all progressive and patriotic formations and stakeholders with a view of addressing the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality in South Africa and Africa”
“We are positive that the new leadership collective will alongside to the new dawn which we are embracing together with its efforts of bringing in billions of dollars into our country, will bring in more solutions and open access to finance and markets biased predominantly to benefit both black businesses and professionals.
Africa and our country need selfless and visionary leaders who operate with a great sense of care, skill and honesty to our people and our God given natural resources. Africa is not poor but mismanaged by self-centred leaders in both public and private sector.
The new dawn must be visible and deliver the Economic CODESA – like solutions in order to usher true and tangible economic liberalization in our country and the continent. Our future will never be in the past but our future is in the future. Let’s all those who care for the country’s future rally around Africa agenda and invest more resources in our young and preferably women population – in terms of technical and financial skills and opportunities. BBC is the future and must lead and work towards unifying all business formations in our country and the continent.” concluded Mosena