The State-Owned entities Communicators Association (SOECA) has come out strongly in support of the Minister of Communication’s stand against fake news. In her budget speech, the Minister of Communication Ayanda Dlodlo raised the threat of fake news as being a serious issue. She said it has the potential to harm both government and country. She added that government cannot deal with it alone.
SOECA President Congress Mahlangu in a statement after the budget speech said his organisation agrees fully with the prominence the minister gave to keeping the public informed and curbing the spread of fake news. He agreed that government needs the help of the media, social society and the general public in the battle against news that is not genuine.
The minister added that the GCIS has been playing a critical role to play in taking government to the communities. It has broadened access to all citizens, as well as marketing the country internationally. Perhaps of greatest general interest was the minister’s declared intention of strengthening the governance of the SABC. She drew attention to the fact that most SABC personnel deserve praise. The rank and file in the SABC is made up of dedicated professionals who work night and day to keep the service running.
The content of the budget speech was closely aligned with her speech in Khayelitsha on Africa Day when she said that it was time for young people to move out of their comfort zones. “Our continent is rich in natural resources and opportunities,” she told the young members of the audience. “The world is your oyster.”
Mahlangu gave his organisation’s support for the strong and positive tone of the minister’s pronouncements. “With this sort of positive leadership, we have every reason to be confident in the future,” he said.