SASSTEC boosts Boxing Champ “Nomeva”

SASSTECAdvanced integrated security solutions giants SASSTEC has put their money where their mouth is by taking a promising young boxer under their wing.

Entertaining pugilist Xolisani “Nomeva” Ndongeni who is undefeated in 22 professional fights will no longer have to worry about the costs associated with his career, like travelling expenses and so forth.

With their sponsorship, the SASSTEC group has taken care of these sometimes exorbitant costs.

Group head Geoff Greyling says the sponsorship is part of their corporate social investment (CSI). “We have a committed spend every year, based on the prescriptions of government. But we always set out to exceed this limit.”

SASSTEC’s work is highly labour intensive, Greyling says, and he admits that boxing is a hugely popular sport, not just among his workforce but throughout the country too.

This sponsorship is merely a way for SASSTEC to show their commitment to South Africa.

“This is our way of ploughing back,” he says.

They want to show that they are not only in the business of getting contracts from their client, government. “But is shows that we also give something back.”

The deal with Xolisani is just but the tip of the iceberg; they hope to take on more sports stars under their wing.

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