Western Cape’s land reform model


The debate on the relevance of land redistribution and reform stokes emotions. Unfortunately, for proponents, while their cause is justifiable, the record of farms that have been redistributed to their rightful owners has been, to put it mildly abysmal.
However, an external evaluation has indicated that land reform is possible. Its results show that the Western Cape had a 62% success rate with the running of its 246 agricultural land reform projects, according to Mogale Sebopetsa, acting chief director: farmer support and development at the Western Cape department of agriculture.
Further, said Sebopetsa, of the 38% failed projects, 24% was experiencing challenges, while 14% failed completely. Relative to other provinces, Western Cape’s performance is remarkable.
He delivered a Leader’s Angle presentation at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) on 26th September.
The province’s success partnerships with industry organisations to ensure effective support to land reform projects have paid off.
“If we didn’t partner with the agricultural sector, we would not have achieved this success,” said Sebopetsa. “Government cannot farm. It is through the mentorship and other support from industry that those involved in land reform projects are able to make notable progress.”

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