The CV not the best judgement of a candidate’s competence

dave duarte

If you want to hire someone, don’t only base your judgement on their CV, says Dave Duarte, the CEO of Treeshake, which provides a range of learning solutions for companies to respond to the latest digital opportunities and trends.
From experience, Duarte has learned that many people who had worked for him in the past had impressive credentials on their CVs, but only turned to be incompetent.
He says the problem is that the education system has been overtaken by developments at the workplace. “Jobs and skills are progressing at a pace that is faster than the education system is able to keep up.”
Just sitting in a lecture room taking in ideas from a bespectacled professor is not just enough, he says. “The most dynamic form of certification is producing your own badge, so that after you have produced a side project, you have evidence of what you have created.”

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