New ICT strategy to improve labour

Pretoria – The Department of Labour is to get a more modern outlook.

They’ve unveiled a new five-year Information Communications and Technology (ICT) strategy to be more efficient and keep up with changing technologies.

The new ICT strategy will ensure policies in the department are implemented.

The department’s mandate covers the regulation of the labour market, creation of decent employment, promoting labour standards and fundamental rights, sound labour relations, providing adequate social safety nets to protect vulnerable workers and labour market competitiveness.

Investment in the new ICT strategy will also cover the support and operational costs. It will also encompass the operations of the department’s public entities such as Compensation Fund, the Unemployment Insurance Fund and Sheltered Employment Factories.

“A new paradigm has dawned upon us requiring that we reflect and take stock of the key lessons learned from previous experiences. While doing that, we need to better capacitate ourselves to deliver on the expectations of the masses of our people who have entrusted us with a mandate so clear that we dare not fail them,” said Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant on the new strategy. –

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