Calling for increase in SMME media ad spend

“Community media struggles…to acquire the advertising…cake due to the industries’ different understanding of what community media is,” complains Lumko Mtimde, the CEO of Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA). “The problem is that in the years of apartheid, the industry Read the full story

Transformation is the Casualty of Labour Broking in the Mining Sector

While the Congress of South African Trade Unions’ (Cosatu) has been campaigning for their outright ban; Cabinet has recommended that the Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Bill and the Labour Relations Amendment Bill be amended repudiating the unions’ position. This Read the full story

R700k Prize beckons for Mzansi Youth

The inclusion of young entrepreneurs into the economy is a major national priority and has been identified by government as crucial to the country’s transformation agenda. The strategy, which features prominently in the National Development Plan, is for government and Read the full story