There is nothing dispiriting than the feeling of being aboard an organisation merely as a token Affirmative Action (AA) appointment. Of course, the position might come with many perks that could make your friends working for some insignificant entities go green with envy. Below are a few signs to tell if you are just a token BEE passenger in an organisation:
1. You are not consulted when vital decisions are made, yet you are supposed to be in a decision-making position, according to your letter of appointment
2. You are only asked to sign letters that are addressed to government departments or similar entities
3. You are asked to cosy up to a high profile politician at a high profile politician to give the company exposure
4. You are asked comment on some other controversial issue on behalf of the company when your colleagues are scared of being called ‘racists’ if they voice their opinions.
5. In board meetings you are rarely asked for an opinion and you feel out of place. You just make the numbers; your presence is as good as your absence.
6. You cannot comprehend what your job specifically entails, even though you are told to avail yourself during management meetings punctually
7. You are called a manager of a portfolio that does not add any value to the organisation or you have never heard existed. In fact, the organisation can do without the position and still function.
8. You can go on a long leave and your management colleagues won’t be bothered to call you. In fact, it would be good riddance for someone taking up valuable cubicle space in the office.
9. You are only called to address workers in the vernacular when a serious problem surfaces to avert a PR disaster for the organisation.
10. When you crack a tame joke in a meeting, the rest of the team, while pretending to be falling off their seats with laughter, says in unison: “That’s a nice one. Lekker neh!”
That’s a funny one. Unfortunately, most of us Black people are used for window dressing purposes by companies. I have seen most of my lot languishing in companies where they are frustrated at being lame ducks, whiling time away on social networks and waiting for a seminar or workshop to attend.
One the main challenges is the fact that previously disadvantaged individuals do this willingly because it sounds lucrative at the beginning. The worst part is when the BEE front is not allowed to make input or even see company financials and performance. You must get a copy of the print version of Transform SA magazine there’s more content on fronting.