Minister Motshekga welcomes ANA 2013 with school visits

The Minister of Basic Education (DBE), Angelina MatsieAngelina Matsie Motshekga Motshekga will on Tuesday 10 September officially kick off the start of the 2013 Annual National Assessments with visits to Mvelaphanda Primary school in Tembisa and Edenglen Primary in Ekhuruleni, Gauteng.

The Annual National Assessments (ANA) are written annually by Grade 1 – 6 and 9 learners in all public schools, to establish an objective benchmark by which to measure literacy and numeracy achievement in schools.

The DBE is determined to improve the language and mathematics skills of our learners and has set specific targets to be achieved by 2014 and beyond. The ANA will be used to measure learners’ progress and to establish the level they are performing at and plan appropriate interventions to support quality learning and teaching.

Venue 1: Mvelaphanda Primary School, 712 Isithame Section, Tembisa
Time: 09h00
Venue 2: Edenglen Primary, Steyn Avenue, Edenglen, Edenvale
Time: 11h00

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